Leave a comment with a description of the situation!
(include as many details as possible)
Friday, May 24, 2013
London to Paris by Eurostar
There are many ways to cross from England to France. One way is by the Eurostar. Eurostar is the high-speed passenger train from London to Paris & Brussels via the Channel Tunnel (French: Le tunnel sous la Manche). It takes 2 hours 15 minutes for the 495 km to Paris, and 1 hour 55 minutes for the 373 km to Brussels.
On 14 November 1994 Eurostar services began between Waterloo International station in London, Gare du Nord in Paris and South railway station in Brussels.
The Channel Tunnel (50.5km undersea rail tunnel) used by Eurostar services holds the record for having the longest undersea section in the world,as well as being the second longest rail tunnel in the world.
How much is a return ticket in 2nd class, from London to Paris (for an adult)?
Have a look at the following page where you can find Eurostar information and leave a comment with your answer!
1. What happened to this guy? Describe the situation
2. What are the two meanings of "smooth" used in this commercial?
Leave a comment with your answers!
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
What were you doing when the light went out?
1. What were the people doing when the light went out?
2. Why did the light goout? What was the cause of the blackout?
3.What is the version of the company’s public information director? Do you believe him?
Leave a comment with your answers!
Monday, May 13, 2013
I was walking to the shopwhen suddenly...
Listen to Simon Smithers who was the victim of a crime committed by an elderly person... (click on the picture below to see the video)
What happened to Simon?
Is crime a problem where you live?
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
I didn't kill my wife!!! Watch the following movie scene. Mr Dufresne's wife was murdered. Did Mr Dufresne kill his wife? What did he do the night of the murder?
Listen to his testimony:
1. Summarize Mr. Dufresne's version of the events (Just his version!)
2. Do you believe him? Is he guilty? Why? What do you think?