Monday, September 30, 2013


Today we talked about the use of the word "ain't".  This word is considered non-standard English, but it is highly used. You can find many examples in songs, movies, commercials, etc. 

But, what does ain't mean? Watch the following video. What is the meaning of ain't in each song?  What standard form is ain't replacing in each one?  Isn't? Aren't? Haven't? Am not???

Search for examples of ain't in the title of  movies and songs. 
 Leave a comment with your discoveries. 
(You can also leave the link of the song to listen to it, or the movie)


  1. I think, but I am not sure:
    1) Beatles - isn't 2) Nina Simone - haven't 3) Christina Aguilera - aren't 4) Lisa Marie Presley - haven't 5) Maggi Rose - am not.
    Now, I am going to go to practice. Bibiana

  2. Hi,

    Let's see what the others think about it... Are your answers similar to Bibiana's?

    And what about examples of ain't in songs and movies Bibiana???

    Look forward to your comments! =)


  3. At this moment, I don't have the examples. But, may be, later...Bibiana

  4. 1) Isn´t
    2) Haven´t
    5)Am not.

    Ain't no sunshine, by: Bill Withers

  5. Hello everybody! I was humming this song "Patience" since months ago! And.. i realize that mentioned in a part ain`t got.."I ain't got time for the game 'cause I need you" (Haven´t)

    Also.. the band Guns N´ Roses is one favourite of our teacher!

    enjoy it !

    Desirée xoxo

  6. Hello:
    1. Isn't she (no es ella encantadora?) AIN'T SHE SWEET?
    2. I haven´t (no tengo zapatos, no tengo dinero, no tengo fe...) AIN'T GOT SHOES, AIN'T GOT MONEY, AIN'T GOT FAITH.
    3. There isn't (no hay otro hombre) AIN'T NO OTHER MAN
    4. You haven't (tu no has visto nada todavía) YOU AIN'T SEEN NOTHING YET
    5. I am not ( yo no soy tu mamá) I AIN'T YOUR MAMA

    Examples songs:
    -it ain´t over til it´s over (I like Lenny Kravitz)
    -She ain´t you
    -ain´t no stopping us now

  7. HI! Another song, that i could find it is Eight days a week of The Beatles! IT´s a beautiful song of love! In a part John says "Hold me, love me, hold me, love me.
    I ain't got nothin' but love girl" Very cute
    Desirée xoxo

  8. Congratulations! Yes, in the different songs Ain't is replacing the following expressions:

    Ain’t she sweet? Isn’t she sweet?
    Ain’t got no shoes. I haven’t got any shoes
    Ain't no other man! There isn’t another man!
    You ain’t seen nothing yet. You haven’t seen anything yet.
    I ain't your mama. I am not your mama.

    As you can notice, the presence of Ain't can generate other changes like the possibility of double negatives. Double negatives are ungrammatical (incorrect), but they are frequent in this type of colloquial English (Example: You ain't seen NOthing -instead of ANYthing-)

    These are the example you have mentioned so far:

    Ain't no sunshine, by Bill Withers
    It ain´t over til it´s over, by Lenny Kravitz
    She ain´t you, by Chris Brown
    Ain´t no stopping us now, by McFadden & Whitehead
    "I ain't got time for the game 'cause I need you", Patience, by Guns and Roses
    "Hold me, love me, hold me, love me. I ain't got nothin' but love girl", Eight days a week, by The Beatles

    Another example of ain't in songs is the well-known song: "This ain't a love song" by Bon Jovi

    More songs???? Movies????


  9. I don't know a song with the title ain't,but I found somethings songs that have ain't
    for example this song of Nickelback I love this a part says:These city walls ain't got no love for me,so there is the link for if you want to listening is very nice <3
