Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Watch the following video (We watched it in class today, June 4th)

How does the story continue? What do you think?


  1. Jajajaja...this is very very funny!
    Weel..I thing they are a meeting but not be recognized, because they not sent the real photos.
    And another day waking in a mall, the "crazy girl" sees the false and true guys. Confusion confirmed.

  2. they lied. they sent their fake pics each other. She dates him to meet in downtown . big one don't find her because he looks for a woman. And Crazy girl is a man. he only goes to see like his kidding plays. but he don't see big one. they wait for one hour. and they finish talking and making friends.....will continue

  3. the big one going to quote and the crazy girl not arrives an the frend arrive and says is a joke I'm crazy girl sorry an you no send your photo your send the photo of your cousin and my send photo on my sister.
    tow man laugh .

    att. katerin

  4. This is the problema with internet.
    Two people lie with their identies and confusión occurs, they never found.
    I think it´s ok for liars.
